GPR Utility Detection Surveys involve identifying specific underground utilities using a combination of advanced, non-intrusive survey techniques. These methods include:
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): For detailed subsurface imaging
Electromagnetic Location (EML): To detect utilities with electromagnetic fields
Pulse Wave generator (PWG): The electronic pulse generator (PWG) is attached to a water pipeline or hydrant. It sends an acoustic pulse or a pressure wave along the pipe
Sonde and Reel Tracing: For pinpointing pipe locations
- Acoustic Signals: To trace and identify utilities acoustically
These combined techniques ensure comprehensive and accurate detection of underground utilities.
Geo-radar - High Density Array acquisition
GPR Systems provide a highly efficient solution for comprehensive subsurface investigation, especially for detecting underground utilities and structures. This advanced technology captures detailed data with high-resolution scans, ensuring full coverage of the survey area
Mala Mira 500 HDR High Density Array 132 Antenna Radar
The MALA MIRA 500 HDR is designed for large scale 3D mapping projects to produce superb data quality at high speeds. The wide coverage and the highest channel density on the market means fewer passes and higher resolution.
The flexible solution, providing 132 possible data channels and a minimum channel spacing of 6.5 cm, delivers 32-bit data with the highest resolution on the market.
Mala Mira 500 HDR High Density Array with field trailer
IDS C-Stream – High Density Array - 32 Antenna Radar
The IDS C-Stream is 34 antenna High Density Array radar with a frequency of 600MHz and provides a solution to acquire data in more restrictive areas to M4P PAS 128:2022 standard. The Stream C provided a compact array solution for 3D mapping of underground utilities and features. Increased levels of accuracy are provided by a large antenna array to automatically detect pipes and cables.
IDS C-Stream – High Density Array - 32 Antenna Radar
Geo-radar Single Dual Channel
GPR data was also collected using a IDS Opera Duo multi frequency Ground Penetrating Radar with a dual frequency of 200MHz and 700MHz to allow greater penetration.
IDS Opera Duo
Electromagnetic Location (EML)
EML is one of the two technologies that are mandatory when carrying out a PAS128 Survey Type B (Detection). A full Electromagnetic Location (EML) survey is completed in the area of investigation using a Radio detection RD8000 receiver and transmitter together with sondes tracing, induction, tracer cables, and induction clamps with the results recorded and plotted on the surveyed sheet .
These results were then compared and combined with the GPR scan capture during the post processing phase.
Electromagnetic Location (EML)
Post Process of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data was post processed to improve the interpretation of raw data using GRED HD GPR and MIRAsoft HDR Post processing software. Post processing aids in the identification of responses indicative of the presence of underground utilities or underground anomaliesin order to gain a better understanding of areas of complex or more obscure utility networks.
In addition there is the added advantage of acquiring a digital record of what work was carried out in the field. Underground anomalies within the investigation area that are not assigned to any network have been classified on a layer called GPR linear Anomaly/GPR Area Anomaly and a quality level assigned as laid out in Table 1 of PAS128.
MIRAsoft HDR Post processing software